Friday, September 21, 2012


I don't know how many of you are familiar with energy therapy or Carol Tuttle (a well known energy therapist), but I have been studying it a bit lately and it is what has worked the best for managing my bipolar and depression symptoms. We've done some gemstone therapy along with EFT and other energy techniques, but I just stumbled upon this clip (from Carol Tuttle) that has really helped me realize what I need to do more to properly relieve and effectively deal with stress on a regular basis. If you are not familiar with Carol's work, I highly recommend reading her book "Remembering Wholeness" first. Then I recommend moving onto her energy profiling materials. She actually offers a lot of free information and assistance, so many of you may be able to catch on to things without much (if any) of an initial investment. However, getting her books will help anyone a lot. I realize some of you may feel a little resistant to it at first, but give it a chance. I promise it isn't freaky like some people might be worried about. Anyway, I am either going to post the link or see if I can have a way for you to view the clip I mentioned right here on the page.

First, here is a link to check out Carol Tuttle products (which I highly recommend):

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