Monday, September 17, 2012


After last week's final post, I decided to address the issue of stress management. Now, I don't necessarily intend to give a whole lot of advice in this area (I'm really not an expert, if you couldn't tell), but I feel it is an important issue to address. I am going to kick things off with a survey. Take a minute and post a comment in response with your answers numbered to correspond with the following questions:

1. On a scale from 1-10 (1 being "pretty much all good" and 10 being "mostly negative"), how would you rate most of the stress you have in your life?
2. How often do you take a vacation?
3. What do you usually do to relieve stress?
4. Do you think you deal with stress in a healthy way?

Thanks for checking this out. You are all awesome.


  1. 1. 2 I don't have too much stress. Just school.
    2. At least 3 times a year
    3. Take a bath or a nap
    4. Probably not but it works for me.

  2. Today wasn't a good day for this survey, but I'll try to look at things in their entirety.

    1. 4
    2. Almost never, unless someone else pays for it.
    3. Run off with my sister or sleep.
    4. Yeah, maybe not the healthiest, but I'm usually tired when I'm stressing, so sleep does help.

  3. . On a scale from 1-10 (1 being "pretty much all good" and 10 being "mostly negative"), how would you rate most of the stress you have in your life?
    2. How often do you take a vacation?
    3. What do you usually do to relieve stress?
    4. Do you think you deal with stress in a healthy way?

    1. Eh--that's a loaded question. Changes from day to day. Like last week I had to get a grant done and in to D.C.--so my stress level was 10--but it wasn't all a "bad stress"--just a have to get it done stress. I would say today most of my stress is a 4-6. Notice--I'm ignoring some things that probably should be stressing me out--cause I don't care right now. Socially--this week has been odd--so that's a little bit more of a 6--not all bad though. I can see the "funny" in it all--but now that it's almost Friday--and I've dealt with it all week--it's a little like "okay--I need a break!".
    2. I have not been on a true vacation, that was not work or family related, since 2008. I love my family, and I love my work--but yes--I can feel the need for a true vacation!

    3. What do I do to relieve stress? Go on-line. Walk for exercise. Sleep. Veg out in front of the T.V. Clean (sometimes).

    4. I think I usually handle it okay--some days/times are harder than others. This summer was particularly tough cause of my mom's illness---I also do therapy and have other help for anxiety as well :)

    Cuz Mary P.

  4. 1. 8 - Too much neg happening not enough ability to release the stress.
    2. Depends... I try to live so I don't need a vaca from my life... but I would LOVE a vaca from financial problems!!!
    3. Walk, Talk with hubby or friends (Depending on how much stress they are adding to the problem)
    4. No... I mostly just bottle it up right now because I only have my internet and no friends nearby and my hubby works 60 to 80 hour weeks. :( So ya... not healthy at the moment!

  5. I'll rate number 1 a 5...but note horrid stress is around the corner, and I know it is coming. Nothing I can do about it either, it's just how it's gonna be.

    The vacations we have are mostly to see my mother (aka add stress), if I wanted a real vacation, I'd go without my children.


    I don't kill anyone, thus I deal with it appropriately.
